The world is shaped by stories.
Stories about planets & stars, forests & seas, societies & economies.
For years now, we have been telling each other a story that views puts humans above nature & considers nature a resource to exploit.
In this age of ecological crisis, it is time to tell a new story. A story recognises the alive-ness & interconnectedness of the living world. A story that reminds us that humans are a part of nature.


The Ideas Hive: Resources
At Climatopia, we believe in the power of ideas. The Ideas Hive is a a dynamic, evolving collection of ideas (both old and new) in the form of blog posts, essays, and creative resources by emerging thinkers and established experts. Through this collection, we want to usher in an era of re-imagination and rethink the worldviews that we have taken for granted. We aim to develop new ways of understanding humanity’s place in the web of life.

“No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” -Victor Hugo
Literature transforms mindsets, which in turn shape actions. Through this project, we want to provide you with a platform to write stories, poems, and creative non-fiction that will help us to see humanity and nature as one and allow us break free from our anthropocentric understanding of the world. All writing will be published on our website and (depending on the number of pieces we receive) in an online anthology.